May 4 events to spotlight new homes for academic, career advising

SF State’s Undergraduate Advising Center and Career & Leadership Development both have newly renovated spaces to show off
It’s May, which means it’s almost time for finals and, soon afterward, Commencement. There’s a lot of preparing to do, both for those big tests and — for the more than 7,900 San Francisco State University students about to graduate — the even bigger test that follows: launching a career. Just in time, students have new places to go to get help with both.
San Francisco State’s Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC) is welcoming the campus community to an open house from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Thursday, May 4, to show off its newly updated space in Administration (ADM) 203. Immediately afterward, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., SF State’s Career & Leadership Development (CLD) will have an open house for its new space in ADM 250. CLD focuses on professional advancement. Both renovations were completed with support from a $700,000 gift from the SF State Foundation.
The UAC serves all undergraduate students and is home to the first and second-year advising team as well as academic advisers from all of SF State’s colleges who advise students in their third year through graduation. These professional staff advisers help students understand General Education (GE) and University requirements while providing guidance on course selection, degree planning, academic success strategies, and policy clarification and appeals. Starting this summer, advisers will advise to the whole degree, assisting with questions related to GE, majors and minors. They will also offer referrals to faculty advisers for mentorship, research, internships and career/graduate school exploration.
The Career & Leadership Development (CLD) team, meanwhile, assists undergraduate and graduate students with their transition from college to career. CLD offerings include career readiness workshops, one-on-one career counseling appointments, leadership development programs, career fairs, custom employer recruiting events and much more.
“We want our students to know they have places to go for support from the University from the beginning of their academic journey all the way through graduation and even beyond,” said Vice Provost of Academic Planning and Dean of Undergraduate Education Lori Beth Way.
Learn more about SF State’s Undergraduate Advising Center, including in-person drop-in hours, virtual drop-in hours and scheduling academic advising appointments.
Learn more about SF State’s Career & Leadership Development, including upcoming events, job opportunities and scheduling an appointment.