SF State named official partner in #CaliforniansForAll College Corps

In this photo from 2016, three SF State students carry sod while participating in a community service learning project.
Fifty SF State students can receive up to $10,000 to support SF communities tackling critical issues focused on K – 12 education, climate action or food insecurity
Starting fall 2022, San Francisco State University students will be able to earn thousands of dollars to pay for college by serving their communities, all while gaining valuable career experience. The #CaliforniansForAll College Corps, a first-of-its-kind partnership funded through a $146 million investment from the Office of the Governor’s California Volunteers, will launch at 45 colleges across California.
San Francisco State undergraduate students can apply to the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps online through the University’s Institute for Civic and Community Engagement (ICCE). The deadline is May 20.
“Students are graduating with crippling debt. This service and career development program helps create a debt-free college pathway while promoting service,” California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday said. “If you are willing to serve your community and give back in a meaningful way, we are going to help you pay for college. This is a win-win-win: Helping to pay for college, gaining valuable work experience and having a meaningful impact on your community.”
Fryday announced the partnership at a May 4 press conference held on the SF State campus. Other speakers included SF State President Lynn Mahoney, San José State University Interim President Steve Perez, CSU East Bay Provost Kimberly Greer, CSU Monterey Bay Dean/Interim Vice President Andrew Drummond and San José State student Fernando Martinez.
“This partnership is an exciting opportunity on so many levels, while also continuing our students’ long history of being active and engaged in their communities,” Mahoney said. “The ability to earn money for college and career experience simultaneously can play an important role in addressing equity gaps for individuals who face financial obstacles to completing their degree.”
Statewide, 6,500 students can participate in the program and earn up to $10,000 (a $7,000 living allowance plus a $3,000 education award) while gaining 450 hours of professional experience. It is the first statewide service program open to AB 540 Dreamer students.
Up to 50 SF State students will be accepted for the yearlong program (10 slots are reserved for eligible AB 540 Dreamers), placing each student to serve in the areas of K – 12 education, climate action or food insecurity. The program is open to undergraduates in any major and combines academics and hands-on work experience, so students can gain the skills they need for the future and help pay for school while giving back to San Francisco communities. With participating host organizations as co-educators, students in this program will engage in real-world professional experiences, allowing students to “learn by doing” and reflect upon that learning, says ICCE Executive Director Jen Gasang.
“SF State’s mission promotes equity and inspires students to become public service-oriented and problem-solving leaders,” Gasang said. “This program does exactly that. It provides students the opportunity to connect with their peers and is an additional touchpoint for our students to learn from, collaborate, support and work side-by-side with community leaders at the neighborhood level to address pressing social issues.”
Examples of service activities in the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps include tutoring to K – 12 students in foundation math and literacy skills at afterschool programs, participating in a neighborhood greening program and providing food distribution support and education about food assistance programs. Prior experience is not necessary for most of the opportunities.
From left: CSU Monterey Bay Dean/Interim Vice President Andrew Drummond, CSU East Bay Provost Kimberly Greer, California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday, SF State President Lynn Mahoney, San José State Interim President Steve Perez and San José State student Fernando Martinez stand at the podium at a May 4 press conference on the Administration building patio.