From the President: State and CSU Budget Update

Dear campus community, 
Governor Gavin Newsom released his revised 2022-23 budget earlier today. The January budget included $211 million in new recurring funds for the CSU. Recently, we received indications that the legislature supported a budget that included an additional $400 million in recurring funds for the CSU. While grateful for the governor’s support, we are disappointed that today’s budget did not include the additional funding and our increase in recurring funding remains at $211 million. 
The budget process will now move into its final stages. Interim Chancellor Jolene Koester announced today that the CSU plans to “intensify…efforts to work alongside our partners to ensure that our elected leaders are apprised of the university’s critical needs to ensure student achievement.” We will continue to advocate for a budget that includes the resources the CSU needs to ensure student success and fair compensation for our dedicated employees, as well as deferred maintenance and infrastructure needs which impact the quality of life for all who study and work on our campuses
I am hopeful and cautiously optimistic that the legislature will recognize and acknowledge the value of the CSU, our students and employees and present a budget proposal that includes additional funding for the CSU. I encourage all members of the SF State and CSU families to add their voices to the movement to advocate for the CSU.
As always, I am deeply grateful to our University community and will keep you apprised of new developments as they occur.


Lynn's Signature

Lynn Mahoney, Ph.D.