Campus resources regarding viral video


Note: The following information is adapted from a March 30 message sent to staff members by Luoluo Hong, vice president and Title IX coordinator for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.

By now, most members of the campus community have seen or heard of a YouTube video that has gone extremely viral. The video has sparked discussion and inspired questions across the University and beyond. For information about resources and actions taken by SF State, please see below:

Responding to inquiries/complaints

The University’s initial official response can be found here:

Callers and emailers may be referred to that site. Employees have been advised that they do not have to accept phone calls in which the caller is shouting, degrading them, using disrespectful language or otherwise engaging in uncivil communications. They’ve been encouraged to document what happened on calls that were ended prematurely.

Students who are experiencing anxiety, distress or otherwise needing emotional and psychological support as a result of this situation should be referred to Counseling & Psychological Services.

What is the University doing?

All individuals shown in the video are SF State students. UPD responded immediately to the incident when it occurred on Monday afternoon and is investigating this fully. When and if appropriate, they will refer this to the Office of Student Conduct. It is our practice and principle to not rush to judgment or levy consequences without due process. We will conduct a full inquiry and take appropriate, commensurate actions once we know the facts. In the meantime, the Dean of Students Office and other units who have connections with the four students are reaching out to offer support.

What can we do as educators?

Similar to what we have discussed in past Town Hall meetings, we each interact with students as a part of our day-to-day work. The posting of this video has clearly triggered many strong reactions, along a wide range of views and perspectives, for students and colleagues alike. We hope you will leverage this “teachable moment” as an opportunity to engage your student employees, interns, volunteers, mentors, etc. about the difficult yet real issues of race, identity, intersectionality and racism, as well as free speech and civility. Whenever possible, do share your own experiences, views, reflections, hopes and fears. Let students know what their rights are, as well as their responsibilities, as members of the SF State community.

Relevant web resources include: